A timeline of service

YMCA Alumni’s National Service Project is a major undertaking on so many fronts. It was created with a great deal of thought and planning by representatives from all chapters. We wanted it to be an attainable reach, but a reach nonetheless.

Please take a few moments to view the video below. It will give you a summary of how the project was developed from when we began in 2020 to where we are today.

Want more information? Just click on the button below the video to read a complete, detailed report  of all that has come before.

Thank you for your interest.

United by a passion to serve

It all began with a full year of planning in 2020. This video brings you up to date through 2023 and entering a new year of service in 2024. The video is based on the comprehensive written article by Steve Rowe, published below. We hope you find it informative.

The full history in writing

Standing Committee member Steve Rowe has written a comprehensive history of our YMCA National Service Project, bringing us from its conception to the completion of the first two Tiny homes and the readiness for the next two and two Twigs.

Read full  story